DePan, DePanEstimate

Tools for estimation and compensation of global motion (pan)

Plugins for AviSynth 2.5
Copyright (C)2004-2016 Alexander G. Balakhnin aka Fizick.


This package contain tools (functions) for estimation of global motion (pan) in frames, and for full or partial global motion compensation.

The tools can be used for:

The DePan plugin replaced my experimental GenMotion C-plugin (which uses motion data from VirtualDub Deshaker plugin log file).

The package can works in one pass, it contains a server part (DePanestimate function) and one or more clients parts (functions or its instances). The server function estimates frames motion data and transmit it to client functions on inquiry. Special service clip is used as the motion data container.

DePanEstimate plugin function

DePanEstimate function

This function uses phase-shift method (by fast Fourier transform) for global motion estimation. It uses some central region of every frame (or field) as FFT window to find the inter-frames correlation and to calculate the most appropriate values of vertical and horizontal shifts, which fit current frame to previous one. The some relative correlation parameter is used as trust measure and for scene change detection. In zoom mode, plugin uses left and right sub-windows to estimate both displacements and zoom. Output is special service clip with coded motion data in frames, and optional log file.

Function call:

DePanEstimate ( clip, int range, float trust, int winx, int winy, int wleft, int wtop, int dxmax, int dymax, float zoommax, float stab, float pixaspect, bool info, string log, bool debug, bool show, string extlog)

Parameters of DePanEstimate:

clip - input clip
range - number of previous (and also next) frames (fields) near requested frame to estimate motion (integer value >=0, default=0)
trust - limit of relative maximum correlation difference from mean value at scene change (0.0 to 100.0, default=4.0)
winx - number of columns (width) of fft window (default = 0 for maximum power of 2 within frame width).
winy - number of rows (height) of fft window (default = 0 for maximum power of 2 within frame height).
wleft - left position (offset) of fft window (default = -1 for auto centered window).
wtop - top position (offset) of fft window (default = -1 for auto centered window).
dxmax - limit of x shift (default = -1 for winx/4)
dymax - limit of y shift (default = -1 for winy/4)
zoommax - maximum zoom factor (if = 1 (default), zoom is not estimated)
stab - decreasing of calculated trust for large shifts ( factor dxmax/(dxmax + stab*abs(dx)) ):
    = 0.0 - not decrease,
    = 1.0 (default) - half at dxmax, dymax.
pixaspect - pixel aspect (default = 1.0)
info - show motion info on frame (default = false)
log - output log filename with motion data (in the VirtualDub Deshaker plugin format) (default none, not write)
debug - output data for debugview utility (default = false)
show - show correlation surface (default = false)
extlog - output extended log filename with motion and trust data (default none, not write)

Notes. trust parameters defines some threshold value of inter-frame similarity (corelation). It defines how similar must be current frame to prev frame in the same scene. DePanEstimare detects scenechange at current frame, if current correlation valu is below the threshold. Set it lower to prevent false scene change detecting, set it higher to prevent skipping of real scenechange (with shaking). Default value is good for most video, but you can test it in info mode.

DePan plugin functions

DePan (client) - make full or partial global motion compensation
DePanInterleave (client) - generates long motion compensated interleaved clip
DePanStabilize (client) - stabilizes motion
DePanScenes(client) - scene change indication

DePan function

It generates the clip with motion compensated frames, using motion data previously calculated by DePanEstimate.

Function call:

DePan (clip, clip data, float offset, int subpixel, float pixaspect, bool matchfields, int mirror, int blur, bool info, string inputlog

Parameters of DePan:

clip - input clip (the same as input clip for DePanEstimate)
data - special service clip with coded motion data, produced by DePanEstimate
offset - value of compensation offset for all input frames (fields) (from - 10.0 to 10.0, default =0)
    = 0 is null transform.
    = -1.0 is full backward motion compensation of next frame (field) to current,
    = 1.0 is full forward motion compensation of previous frame (field),
    = -0.5 is backward semi-compensation of next frame (field),
    = 0.5 is forward semi-compensation of previous frame (field),
    = 0.3333333 is forward one-third compensation of previous frame (field),
    = -1.5 is backward semi-compensation of next next frame (field),
    = 2.0 is full forward motion compensation of previous previous frame (field),
    and so on.
subpixel - pixel interpolation accuracy (default = 2)
    0 - pixel accuracy (at nearest pixel), no interpolation (fast),
    1 - subpixel accuracy with bilinear interpolation,
    2 - subpixel accuracy with bicubic interpolation (best).
pixaspect - pixel aspect (default = 1.0)
matchfields - match vertical position of interlaced fields for preserve fields order, better denoising etc (default=true)
mirror - fill empty borders with mirrored from frame edge pixels (instead of black):
    0 - no mirror (default);
    1 - top;
    2 - bottom;
    4 - left;
    8 - right;
    sum any of above - combination (15 - all ).
blur -  blur mirrored zone by using given max blur length (default=0,  not blur;   the good values is above 30)
info - show motion info on frame (default=false).
inputlog - name of input log file in Deshaker format (default - none, not read)

Note: The offset parameter of DePan is extended version of delta parameter of GenMotion.


It generates long interleaved clipwith series of group of previous frames motion compensated (within some range), original frame, and motion compensated next frames (within range), and same groups for every following frames. In fact, it combines DePan function and Interleavefunction (AviSynth internal) for easy following temporal denoising, with following SelectEvery(prev+next+1, prev) function for selecting only cleaned source frames.

Function call:

DePanInterleave (clip, clip data, int prev, int next, int subpixel, float pixaspect, bool matchfields, int mirror, int blur, bool info, string inputlog)

Parameters of DePanInterleave similar to Depan:

clip - input clip (the same as input clip for DePanEstimate)
data - special service clip with coded motion data, produced by DePanEstimate
prev - number of previous frames (fields) in group to compensate (integer>0, default=1)
next - number of next frames (fields) in group to compensate (integer>0, default=1)
subpixel - pixel interpolation accuracy (default = 1)
    0 - pixel accuracy (at nearest pixel), no interpolation (fast),
    1 - subpixel accuracy with bilinear interpolation, (optimal for denoising)
    2 - subpixel accuracy with bicubic interpolation (best but slow).
pixaspect - pixel aspect (default = 1.0)
matchfields - match vertical position of interlaced fields for better denoising etc (default=true)
mirror - fill empty borders with mirrored from frame edge pixels (instead of black):
    0 - no mirror (default);
    1 - top;
    2 - bottom;
    4 - left;
    8 - right;
    sum any of above - combination (15 - all ).
blur -  blur mirrored zone by using given max blur length (default=0,  not blur;   the good values is above 30)
info - show motion info on frame (default=false).
inputlog - name of input log file in Deshaker format (none default, not read)


This function make some motion stabilization (deshake) by smoothing of global motion.

Function call:

DePanStabilize (clip, clip data, float cutoff, float damping, float initzoom, bool addzoom, int prev, int next, int mirror, int blur, int dxmax, int dymax, float zoommax, float rotmax, int subpixel, float pixaspect, int fitlast, float tzoom, bool info, string inputlog, int method)

Parameters of DePanStabilize:

clip - input clip (the same as input clip for DePanEstimate);
data - special service clip with coded motion data, produced by DePanEstimate;
cutoff - vibration frequency cutoff , Hertz (default = 1.0);
damping - damping ratio (default = 1.0);
initzoom - initial (minimal) zoom to fill borders (default = 1.0);
addzoom - use additional adaptive zoom (default=false);
prev - max lag of some previous frame to fill empty borders (instead of black):
    0 - not fill (default ),
    1 - use nearest previous (n-1) frame to fill current frame (n) edges,
    2 - use previous (n-2) frame to fill (not all in range !),
    and so on.
next - max lag of some next frame to fill empty borders (instead of black):
    0 - not fill (default ),
    1 - use nearest next (n+1) frame to fill current frame (n) edges,
    2 - use next (n+2) frame to fill (not all in range !),
    and so on.
mirror - fill empty borders with mirrored from frame edge pixels (instead of black):
    0 - no mirror (default);
    1 - top;
    2 - bottom;
    4 - left;
    8 - right;
    sum any of above - combination (15 - all ).
blur - blur mirrored zone by using given max blur length (default=0, not blur, the good values is above 30)
dxmax - limit of horizontal correction, in pixels (default = 60);
dymax - limit of vertical correction, in pixels (default = 30);
zoommax - limit of zoom correction (only adaptive zoom, default = 1.05);
rotmax - limit of rotation correction, in degrees (default = 1.0);
    these values limit the correction (since v1.7 - approximately, not strictly )
    If negative, the abolute value is threshold to reset stabilization from this frame
subpixel - pixel interpolation accuracy (default = 2):
    0 - pixel accuracy (at nearest pixel), no interpolation (fast);
    1 - subpixel accuracy with bilinear interpolation;
    2 - subpixel accuracy with bicubic interpolation (best).
pixaspect - pixel aspect (default = 1.0);
fitlast - fit some last frames range to original position (integer range, default=0)
tzoom - adaptive zoom rise time, sec (float, default=3.0)
info - show motion info on frame (default=false).
inputlog - name of input log file in Deshaker format (none default, not read)
method - used method for stabilization:
    0 - inertial (default);
Some parameters (including dxmax, dymax, rotmax, zoommax, fitlast etc) are used in this method only.
    1 - two-way average;
    2 - unlimited (static) stabilization;
    -1 - tracking of the base (first) frame instead of stabilization.

DePanScenes function

Generate clip with pixel values =255 for defined plane at scenechange and pixel values =0 at rest frames,
using motion data previously calculated by DePanEstimate.

May be used by AverageLuma function for conditional processing.

Function call:

DePanScenes ( clip, string inputlog, int plane)

 Parameters of DePanScenes:

clip - input clip (special service clip with coded motion data, produced by DePanEstimate)
inputlog - name of input log file in Deshaker format (default - none, not read)
plane - code of plane to mark (1 - Y, 2 - U, 4 - V, sum - combination, default=1)

Features and limitations

   1. Works only in YV12 and YUY2 color formats.
    2. Only pan and zoom motion (no rotation) are estimated, but it gives advance in speed and stability. Zoom estimation is not very precise.
    3. The source clip must be same length as motion data clip.
    4. Directly works only with progressive clips. For interlaced sources, you must use AviSynth following function SeparateFieldsand followed Weave
(after motion compensation and denoising), with AssumeTTFand AssumeBFF(both may be needed for odd fields offset). Plugin estimates and calculates motion from one field to neighbor (by time) field (from same or neighbor frame). For preserving fields order (dominance) and best denoising, set parameter MatchFields=true.
    5. Mirror mode is unique but slightly strange :-). The blur is some workaround to hide sharp mirrored details. Note: blur is not implemented for rotation as yet.
    6. Not very fast, not assembler optimized.
    7. Tested with Avisynth 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.5.5, 2.5.6, 2.5.7, 2.5.8, 2.6.0.
    8. Old versions DePanEstimate used free FFT2D code by Takuya Ooura (
Now DePanEstimate uses only more fast FFTW library version 3 (
as Windows binary DLL (compiled with gcc under MinGW by Alessio Massaro),
which support for threads and have AMD K7 (3dNow!) support in addition to SSE/SSE2.
It may be downloaded from
For using, you must put FFTW3.DLL file from that package to some directory in path (for example, C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32). DePanEstimate will NOT work without it!
    9. For best results, you may temporary add Info parameter, analyze info and tune some parameters (Trust, dxmax etc).
    10. You may use not strictly same clips for motion estimation and compensation, for example try add some brightness-contrast adjusting, pre-filtering, masking, cropping  to input clip used for motion estimation only (and use different processing for output compensated-stabilized results).


Preparation of interleaved motion compensated clip with following strong temporal denoising

1. Load original (input) clip (I),
2. Make clip (F) with full forward motion compensation,
3. Make clip (B) with full backward motion compensation,
4. Make a interleave clip, with compensated frames before and after every original frame;
We will get a long clip (with triple length), with every 3 successive frames corresponded to same time.
5. Apply some temporal filter that uses pixel differences between previous, current and next frames, for example Fluxsmooth filter.
6. Select every third (original non-compensated but cleaned) frame to output.
The cleaned clip will not have a lot of artifacts, produced by global motion with denoising, and the denoising will be more strong in most areas (camera's pan will be compensated.)

Notes: with DePanInterleave, stages 2,3,4 combined to single. Moreover, the range may be large than 1.

Simple sample script for progressive clip:

LoadPlugin("depanestimate.dll") # or use autoloading
LoadPlugin("depan.dll")         # or use autoloading
LoadPlugin("fluxsmooth.dll")    # or use autoloading

i = ConvertToYV12()
mdata = DePanEstimate(i)
DePanInterleave(i, data=mdata)
SelectEvery(3, 1)

For best results, you may temporary add Info parameter, analyze info and tune some parameters (Trust, dxmax etc)

Sample script for interlaced clip:

LoadPlugin("depanestimate.dll") # or use autoloading
LoadPlugin("depan.dll")         # or use autoloading
i = ConvertToYV12()
mdata = DePanEstimate(i, range=1, trust=5.5, log="depan.log")
DePanInterleave(i,data=mdata, prev=1, next=1, matchfields=true)
SelectEvery(3, 1)

Some suitable temporal denoising filters

Please, make a tests to add filters to the list!

 For proposed denoising method with using of the DePan (previously with GenMotion), such temporal filter must compare pixel with previous and next frame, and make some smoothing if difference between previous and next frame is small. These filters also may make additional internal (small) local motion compensation (as Dust filter, which may get some speed increasing due to well global motion compensation).

Framerate change

DePan may be used as a tool for framerate converting and similar tasks (only global motion).

For example, to change framerate with factor=1.5, from 16.6 fps progressive (old 8 mm film) to 25 fps, use script.

i = ConvertToYV12()
LoadPlugin("depanestimate.dll") # or use autoloading
LoadPlugin("depan.dll")         # or use autoloading
data = DePanEstimate(i, range=1, trust=5)
f1_3 = DePan(i, data, offset=1./3)
b1_3 = DePan(i, data, offset=-1./3)
Interleave(f1_3, i, b1_3)
SelectEvery(6, 0, 1, 2)

 It may by written as a function:

function fps2to3(clip) {
# change FPS from 2 to 3 (or 16.66 to 25, or 20 to 30 and so on), i.e. with factor=3/2
# uses global motion compensation
# input must be YV12 or YUY2 progressive (or separated fields probably ?)
data = DePanEstimate(clip)
f1_3 = DePan(clip, data, offset=1./3)
b1_3 = DePan(clip, data, offset=-1./3)
Interleave(f1_3, clip, b1_3)
SelectEvery(6, 0, 1, 2)

LoadPlugin("depanestimate.dll") # or use autoloading
LoadPlugin("depan.dll")         # or use autoloading

        Here is a possible function for framerate converting (progressive) with factor=5/3, for example from 15 fps to 25 fps :

function fps3to5(clip) {
# change FPS from 3 to 5 (or 15 to 25, or 18 to 30 and so on), i.e. with factor=5/3
# uses global motion compensation
# input must be YV12 or YUY2 progressive (or separated fields probably ?)
data = DePanEstimate(clip)
t3_5 = DePan(clip, data, offset=-2./5)
t6_5 = DePan(clip, data, offset=1./5).trim(2,0)
t9_5 = DePan(clip, data, offset=-1./5).trim(1,0)
t12_5 = DePan(clip, data, offset=2./5).trim(3,0)
Interleave(clip, t3_5, t6_5, t9_5, t12_5)

LoadPlugin("depanestimate.dll") # or use autoloading
LoadPlugin("depan.dll")         # or use autoloading

Notes. There is more simple and general alternative method: try ChangeFPSwith following DePanStabilize.

Motion stabilization

DePanStabilize may be used as a tool for smoothing of global motion. Inertial filtering method is used in current version.

Simple sample script for progressive clip:

LoadPlugin("depanestimate.dll") # or use autoloading
LoadPlugin("depan.dll")         # or use autoloading
i = ConvertToYV12()
mdata = DePanEstimate(i)
DePanStabilize(i, data=mdata)

We may add and tune parameters cutoff, dxmax, edges filling method etc, corresponded to your clip and you.

Scenes detection and logging

Create file with numbers of frames at scene changes. Play whole clip.

LoadPlugin("depanestimate.dll") # or use autoloading
LoadPlugin("depan.dll")         # or use autoloading
WriteFileIf(filename, "(AverageLuma(DepanScenes(data))>30)" , "current_frame")

Using log files

DepanEstimate function may write optional log file with motion data, in Deshaker - compatible format. Moreover, Depan function may read such log files (in this mode it works as GenMotion, without DepanEstimate, data clip is ignored, and source clip may be used as dummy data clip). Deshaker log may be loaded in Depan and vice versa. Depan can compensate zoom and rotation too. Therefore you may load similar AVS script files in VirtualDub, and run second pass of Deshaker for anvanced image stabilization (and coding) of filtered clip. Of course, before you must run first pass of DePanEstimate to make Depan.log file, which must be selected in Deshaker. Instead of that, you may add DePanStabilize(i,data) function to script and run all in one pass !

Since v1.9.2 it is possible to write extended log file with additional "Trust" data per frame.

Deshaker log file format (after Gunnar Thalin)

During Pass 1 the Deshaker plugin tries to find the panning, rotation and zoom that, when applied to the current image, makes it look like the previous image (almost). The values on each line in the file are (from left to right): frame number (or fields number), x- and y-panning (in pixels), rotation (in degrees) and zoom factor. You can edit the log file manually (but use fixed line format). You can delete lines that got completely wrong (and that you don't care to try to fix in a better way). Gaps in the frames numbers are treated as zero-panning, zero rotation and no scaling. If a frame exists more than once in the log file, the last line is used.

Note: For interlaced source, info is for every field (A - first, B - second by time)

DePan and DepanEstimate client-server framebuffer format (mostly for programmers)

Depan and DepanEstimate use framebuffer of special clip for storing of motion data. When client (Depan) requests the motion data for frame nfrom this clip, server (DepanEstimate) creates frame and writes such data (from start of framebuffer): one header record, and several frame motion data records, from n-rangeto n+range(nframes = 2*range+1 for non-edge frames). Definition of motion data parameters is same as in Deshaker log.

In all versions since 0.6, I use these structures:

#define DEPANSIGNATURE "depan06"

typedef struct depanheaderstruct { // structure of header depandata in framebuffer
char signature[8]; // signature for check
int reserved; // for future using
int nframes; // number of records with frames motion data in current framebuffer
} depanheader;

typedef struct depandatastruct { // structure of every frame motion data record in framebuffer
int frame; // frame number
float dx; // x shift (in pixels) for this frame
float dy; // y shift (in pixels, corresponded to pixel aspect = 1)
float zoom; // zoom
float rot; // rotation (in degrees), (now =0 - no rotation estimated data in current version DePanEstimate)
} depandata;

Note 1. Depan uses dx=0.0 as mark of scenechange.
Note 2. DepanEstimate output is cropped if not in show or info mode.
See depanio.cpp source code for details.

Alternative method for Global motion estimation

Some time ago I added to local motion estimation MVToolsplugin by Manao (to version a new function MVDepanfor global motion estimation. It is based on local block motion vectors analysis, similar to first pass of DeShaker plugin. MVDepan(and v.2 MDepan) function can be used instead of DepanEstimate. It can estimate pan, zoom and rotation.

More info about Depan

Some discussion about GenMotion and DePan plugins may be found in AviSynth forum at
in particular in thread


Thanks to Gunnar Thalin for detailed info about Deshaker log file format and very useful discussions.

Thanks to Takuya Ooura for free and fast FFT2D code used in first versions of DePan.

Thanks to scharfis_brain and many others for useful discussions and bug reports.

Version changes:


Depan and DePanEstimate are free software distributed under GNU GPL license. See gpl.txt for details.
Documentation is distributed under CreativeCommons BY-SA 3.0 license.

Please consider to make some donation for support.


Download DePan tools version 1.13.1

Download DePanEstimate version 1.10

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