Amplify / AmpiflydB

Amplify (clip, float amount1 [, ...])
AmplifydB (clip, float amount1 [, ...])

Amplify multiplies the audio samples by amount. You can specify different factors for each channel.
If there are more volumens than there are channels, they are ignored. If there are fewer volumes than channels, the last volume is applied to the rest of the channels.

AmplifydB is the same except values are in dB.
You can use negative dB values (or scale factor between 0 and 1) for reducing volume. Negative scale factors will shift phase by 180°.

8bit and 24bit Audio samples are converted to float in the process, the other audio formats are kept.

# Amplifies left channel with 3 dB (adds 3 dB):
video = AviSource("c:\filename.avi")
stereo = WavSource("c:\audio.wav")
stereo_amp = AmplifydB(stereo, 3, 0)
return AudioDub(video, stereo_amp) 

# Amplifies front channels with 3 dB (adds 3 dB):
video = AviSource("c:\divx_6ch_wav.avi")
audio = WavSource(c:\divx_6ch_wav.avi)
multichannel_amp = AmplifydB(audio, 3, 3, 3)
return AudioDub(video, multichannel_amp) 

How the multichannels are mapped can be found in the description of GetChannel.

$Date: 2004/02/29 20:04:51 $