

authors: MarcFD, Nic, trbarry, Sh0dan, Graft and others
version: 1.4.7
category: MPEG Decoder (source) Plugins
download: http://neuron2.net/dgmpgdec/dgmpgdec.html

Table of contents


DGDecode, part of the DGMPGDec package, is an MPEG-1/2 decoder plug-in designed for AviSynth v2.5 or higher. It's able to decode any MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 stream readable by DGIndex. Additional features include: YV12, I420, and YUY2 colorspace output (and RGB24 via DGVfapi), optimized iDCTs, post-process deblocking and deringing, luminosity filtering, and more!

DGDecode is based on MPEG2Dec3 v1.10, which itself is based on MPEG2Dec2 from the SourceForge project "save-oe".

Important Note: This filter was renamed to DGDecode to avoid naming confusions and to clearly link it with neuron2's version of DVD2AVI called DGIndex. Neuron2 wants to take great pains to acknowledge the origins of DGDecode as described by MarcFD in the text below! Yes, neuron2 has continued the evolution and made some fixes, but he stands on the shoulders of the giants documented below in the Credits section.

You can get the latest binaries and source code of DGMPGDec at http://neuron2.net/dgmpgdec/dgmpgdec.html

This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 license. You must agree to the terms of the license before using the plug-in or its source code. Please see the License section for details.

Filter Syntax


MPEG2Source (string "d2v", int "idct", int "cpu", bool "iPP", int "moderate_h", int "moderate_v", str "cpu2", bool "upConv", bool "iCC", bool "i420", int "info", bool "showQ", bool "fastMC")

Although DGDecode can now decode both MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, this function is still called MPEG2Source() for compatibility with existing scripts. You can use it for both MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 streams.

d2v: "[PATH\]project.d2v"

DGIndex Project File.
Required parameter!
Note 1: PATH can be ignored if "project.d2v" is in the same directory as your AviSynth (*.avs) script.

idct: 0 to 7 (default: 0)

iDCT Algorithm.
For more infomation on iDCTs please see Appendix B.
Please see Appendix C for supported CPUs.
- 0: Use value specified by DGIndex (iDCTs 6 and 7 unavailable in DGIndex)
- 1: 32-bit MMX
- 2: 32-bit SSEMMX
- 3: 64-bit SSE2MMX
- 4: 32-bit Floating Point
- 5: 64-bit IEEE-1180 Reference
- 6: 32-bit SSEMMX (Skal)
- 7: 32-bit Simple MMX (XviD)

cpu: 0 to 6 (default: 0)

Post-Processing Quickset Options.
(Y=luma, C=chroma, H=horizontal, V=vertical)

iPP: true/false (default: auto)

Field-Based Post-Processing.
DGDecode automatically uses the PROGRESSIVE_FRAME flag to switch between field/frame based post-processing on a per-frame-basis.
You should only specify the iPP parameter if you want to force DGDecode to use a particular post-processing mode.
- true: force field-based (interlaced) post-processing
- false: force frame-based (progressive) post-processing

moderate_h, moderate_v: 0 to 255 (default: moderate_h=20, moderate_v=40)

Block Detection Sensitivity.
(moderate_h=horizontal, moderate_v=vertical)
Smaller values are stronger, use with care.

cpu2: (default: "")

Post-Processing Custom Options.
Specify a six character string of x's and o's according to list below. (case-insensitive)
Each "x" enables the corresponding post-processing feature.
Each "o" disables the corresponding post-processing feature.
character 1: luma horizontal deblocking
character 2: luma vertical deblocking
character 3: chroma horizontal deblocking
character 4: chroma vertical deblocking
character 5: luma deringing
character 6: chroma deringing

For example, to enable chroma-only post-processing use:

MPEG2Source("project.d2v", cpu2="ooxxox")

upConv: true/false (default: false)

Upconvert to YUY2 (4:2:2) from YV12 (4:2:0) based on the PROGRESSIVE_FRAME flag.
Ignored if the input is not YV12 (4:2:0)
Use AviSynth conversion filters to force a constant upsampling mode.
- true: Upconvert based on the PROGRESSIVE_FRAME flag
- false: Do not upconvert

iCC: true/false (default: auto)

Upsampling Mode.
DGDecode automatically uses the PROGRESSIVE_FRAME flag to switch between field/frame based upsampling on a per-frame-basis.
You should only specify the iCC parameter if you want to force DGDecode to use a particular upsampling mode.
- [unspecified]: follow the PROGRESSIVE_FRAME flag
- true: force field-based (interlaced) upsampling
- false: force frame-based (progressive) upsampling

i420: true/false (default: false)

Output I420 Colorspace.
Possibly required by some legacy applications.
Ignored if the input is not YV12 (4:2:0), or if upConv=true.
- true: Output I420
- false: Output YV12

info: 0 to 3 (default: 0)

Debug Information.
- 0: Do not generate debug information
- 1: Overlay debug information on the video
- 2: Output debug information via OutputDebugString()
- 3: Output hints in the video (as defined in utilities.cpp/utilities.h)

showQ: true/false (default: false)

Show Macroblock Quantizers.
- true: Show quantizers
- false: Do not show quantizers

fastMC: true/false (default: false)

Vlad's Fast Motion Compensation.
Very small speedup, but with degraded accuracy.
For testing purposes, and may be removed in a future version.
Requires SSE or 3DNow!, please see Appendix C for supported CPUs.


LumaYV12 (clip, int "lumoff", float "lumgain")

This function is unrelated to DGIndex's Luminance Filter.
The transformation is: Y = (y * lumgain) + lumoff

LumaYV12() outputs a 0->255 YUV range, and not a CCIR-601 16->235 range. Use the Avisynth built-in filter ColorYUV() instead if you need to enforce a 16->235 range. The functionality of LumaYV12() can be achieved using ColorYUV(), which has more features, but LumaYV12() is optimized for speed in performing basic luma adjustment.

lumoff: -255 to 255 (default: 0)

Luminosity Offset.
Adjust the luma of all pixels by a fixed amount.

lumgain: 0.0 to 2.0 (default: 1.0)

Luminosity Gain.
Adjust the luma of all pixels by a proportional amount.


BlindPP (clip, int "quant", int "cpu", bool "iPP", int "moderate_h", int "moderate_v", string "cpu2")

Deblock and/or Dering any video source.
Requires YUY2 or YV12 input.
Please see Appendix A for usage notes.

quant: 0 to 31 (default: 2)

Emulated Quantizer.
Specifies strength of the deblocking process.

cpu: 0 to 6 (default: 6)

Same function as in MPEG2Source(), but with different default value.

iPP: true/false (default: false)

Same function as in MPEG2Source(), but with different default value.
Automatic-mode is NOT available.

moderate_h, moderate_v, cpu2: (defaults: moderate_h=20, moderate_v=40, cpu2="")

Same functions as in MPEG2Source(), but with different default values.


Deblock (clip, int "quant", int "aOffset", int "bOffset", bool "mmx", bool "isse")

Manao's H.264 Deblocking Filter. (v0.9.5)
Requires YV12 input.
Both (quant + aOffset) AND (quant + bOffset) must be >= 16 or the filter does nothing at all.

quant: 0 to 51 (default: 25)

Emulated Quantizer.
Specifies strength of the deblocking process.

aOffset: (default: 0)

Modifier to the blocking detector threshold.
Setting it higher means that more edges will be deblocked.

bOffset: (default: 0)

Modifier for block detecting and for deblocking strength.
There again, the higher, the stronger.

mmx: true/false (default: true)

Automatically disables if not supported by CPU.
- true: Enable MMX optimizations
- false: Disable MMX optimizations

isse: true/false (default: true)

Automatically disables if not supported by CPU.
Please see Appendix C for supported CPUs.
- true: Enable SSE optimizations
- false: Disable SSE optimizations

Usage Examples

AviSynth LoadPlugin() Example

AviSynth's LoadPlugin() must be called before any DGDecode functions can be used.
To accomplish this, add the following line to the beginning of your AviSynth (*.avs) script:


Note: PATH can be ignored if DGDecode.dll is in the default AviSynth plug-in directory, otherwise PATH must be specified.

MPEG2Source() Examples

MPEG2Source() should be used only with MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video sources.

To do plain YV12 decoding:


Note: PATH can be ignored if "project.d2v" is in the same directory as your AviSynth (*.avs) script.

To do deblocking only:

MPEG2Source("project.d2v", cpu=4)

To do deblocking on an interlaced source with increased vertical sensitivity:

MPEG2Source("project.d2v", cpu=4, iPP=true, moderate_v=20)

To do deringing only:

MPEG2Source("project.d2v", cpu2="ooooxx")

To select the optimized 32-bit SSE2 iDCT and also output I420 colorspace:

MPEG2Source("project.d2v", idct=5, i420=true)

To convert to YUY2 based on the PROGRESSIVE_FRAME flag:

MPEG2Source("project.d2v", upConv=true)

To do display onscreen information about the video:

MPEG2Source("project.d2v", info=1)

LumaYV12() Examples

The following LumaYV12() examples are completely subjective, of course.
Adjust them to your liking.

To darken luminosity:

LumaYV12(lumoff=-10, lumgain=0.9)

To lighten luminosity:

LumaYV12(lumoff=10, lumgain=1.1)

BlindPP() Examples

BlindPP() should not be used when the video is opened using the
MPEG2Source() function, because its postprocessing options will work better. Typically BlindPP() is used when opening the video with AviSynth's AviSource() or DirectShowSource().

To do default deblocking and deringing:


To do deblocking only:


To do deblocking on an interlaced source with increased horizontal sensitivity:

BlindPP(cpu=4, iPP=true, moderate_h=10)

To do stronger deblocking and deringing:


To do deringing only:


Deblock() Examples

Deblock() should not be used with MPEG-2 video sources.
Typically this means opening the video with AviSynth's AviSource() or DirectShowSource().

To do default deblocking:


To do strong deblocking with increased sensitivity:

Deblock(quant=32, aOffset=16, bOffset=24)

APPENDIX A: BlindPP() Notes

Blocks result from the 8x8-pixel DCT used by the MPEG encoder. So first, you must be sure that the blocks that you want to deblock are still aligned at 8-pixel boundaries. That means no cropping and no resizing before you apply BlindPP(). If your source is encoded interlaced, set iPP=true, if it's progressive then the default is already correct (iPP=false).

The parameters are: quant, cpu2, moderate_h, and moderate_v.

quant specifies the overall strength at which the deblocking process is to perform.

Set cpu2 to "xxxxoo" for horizontal and vertical deblocking on luma and chroma, to "xooxoo" for horizontal luma and vertical chroma deblocking, etc. You get the idea.

moderate_h and moderate_v specify the horizontal and vertical sensitivities, that is, where to perform deblocking, and where not to. They control the sensitivity for recognizing that a block is present.

quant=2, moderate_h=35-45, moderate_v=45-55 will give you a very gentle softening on strong, clearly visible blocks only. It will retain very much detail and sharpness, but will also leave intact weaker blocks, and not totally kill stronger ones.

quant=16, moderate_h=15-20, moderate_v=20-30 will perform rather strong deblocking on almost anything that perhaps could be a block, but will also smooth away a lot of detail and sharpness.

The rest is up to you, your taste, and your source material.

One other example... Since the excellent denoiser PixieDust() may sometimes cause blocking by itself in moving areas, I sometimes do this:

BlindPP(quant=8, cpu2="xxxxoo", moderate_h=45, moderate_v=55)

This takes away a good amount of the most visible blocking, if and only if PixieDust() has produced some. On the remaining 99.8% where PixieDust() didn't block, this will do almost nothing, as desired.

APPENDIX B: iDCT Algorithm Notes

The FlasKMPEG readme file contains an excellent technical description of iDCTs. It states:

"The video information inside MPEG files is stored in the frequency domain rather than in the spatial domain (the images we see). That way, the information gets compacted and that compaction can be used to compress (reduce) the amount of information you have to send over the transmission channel. MPEG uses the DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) to translate spatial information into frequency information. To bring back the spatial information from the MPEG stream you have to apply the iDCT, that is, the Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform, that undoes the DCT that was used during encoding."

"Although MPEG is almost deterministic (given a MPEG stream the output should be identical in all decoders), the standard has a degree of freedom when choosing the iDCT to use. That way, the decoder can be more easily implemented depending on the hardware below it. What the standard requires from the decoder is that the iDCT meets IEEE-1180 specs, or in plain words, that the error from the iDCT doesn't go beyond that the ones pointed out in the IEEE-1180."

Which iDCT you should use depends primarily on what CPU you have and to a lesser degree, on how accurate an iDCT you desire. Most people will not be able to tell the difference in quality between these algorithms but they can be easily observed by combining the AviSynth filters Subtract() and Levels(). All of the available options are IEEE-1180 compliant, except for SSE/MMX (Skal).

Qualitywise: IEEE-1180 Reference > 64-bit Floating Point > Simple MMX (XviD) > Remaining iDCTs.

Speedwise: SSE2/MMX and SSE/MMX (Skal) are usually the fastest. The IEEE-1180 Reference is easily the slowest.

APPENDIX C: SIMD Instructions

SIMD is an acronym for Single Instruction, Multiple Data. It is a term that refers to a set of operations for efficiently handling large quantities of data in parallel. This is especially productive for applications in which video or audio files are processed. What usually required a repeated succession of instructions can now be performed in one instruction.

There are seven different sets of SIMD instructions available to Intel and AMD processors, but not every CPU supports all of these advanced instruction sets. This is why many of DGDecode's functions provide options for specifying which set of optimizations to use. The table below lists the SIMD instructions supported by DGDecode, and the processors required utilize them.

Version History

Based on MPEG2Dec2 (save-oe CVS 28.09.2002), and recast as MPEG2Dec3 (MarcFD).

Recast as DGDecode (neuron2)

Latest changes list is in "Changes.txt" file.


Mathias Born, author of MPEG2Dec
Donald Graft ("neuron2"), frame loss fix, accurate indexing, PVA support, and more
Peter Gubanov, author of the MMX/SSEMMX iDCT
Chia-chen Kuo ("jackei"), author of DVD2AVI
"MarcFD", YV12 support and more
"Nic", post-processing and more
Miha Peternel, author of the Floating Point and Reference iDCT
Dmitry Rozhdestvensky, author of the SSE2 iDCT
"sh0dan", code optimizations
"Skal", for his SSEMMX iDCT
"trbarry", transport parsing, and code optimizations
"tritical", upsampling, info overlay, VFAPI enhancements, and lots of bug fixes
"Manao", for his Deblock() filter
"ARDA", for the LumaYV12() filter
"Didйe", for Appendix A: Notes on BlindPP() Usage
"Cyberia", for Appendices B and C, and users manual modernization

$Date: 2007/09/22 21:28:24 $